Grain Nymphaea pubescens has been widely consumed as traditional food such as snack bars and cake in South Kalimantan. The first experiment of this study focused on the difference in moisture content of N. pubescens seed after harvest to prevent seed decay and higher dehulling recovery. Dehulling was performed with a laboratory model seed polisher/dehulling apparatus. Dehulling experiments were carried out on samples exhibiting moisture contents ranging from 10% to 20.6 %. Dehulling of N. pubescens seed was affected by moisture content. The optimum grain moisture for dehulling N. pubescens seed was 10% and 13.2%, respectively, with a higher amount of dehulled seed, resulting in dehulling efficiency of 48.6% and 45.6 %, respectively, and lower levels of powder and broken seed. The dehulling efficiency decreased with an increased moisture content of N. pubescens seed.