Abstract. During a sea survey session performed using a multibeam echosounder millions of measurement points are generated. Sea surveys should be carried out in such a way, that the maximum accuracy of created seabed models (DTM) is achieved and the standards specified by the IHO S-44 guidelines are met. One of the requirements is so called full sea floor search, which means the ability of a system to detect all the cubic features at least 1 m in size. Spatial distribution of measurement points is irregular and the distances between closest data points are varying, depending on many factors (on survey parameters, depth or distance between the beam and the vessel). Due to those reasons, it is difficult for the users of hydrographic systems to evaluate the degree of coverage of seabed by measurement points, and therefore to confirm fulfilment of the normative requirements. As a solution we propose visualisation methods for measurement data collected in sea surveys. Specific features of such a visualisation are explained and a method for creating the images is presented, along with some exemplary results.