phenomena caused by salt precipitation in pumps and wells are a frequent
problem during oil production, CO2 storage, and other underground
processes. Several studies have focused on the salt precipitation
in porous media, and interesting results concerning salt precipitation
have been obtained in the past. Salt precipitation in porous media
is a complex phenomenon since it is highly dependent on supersaturation,
which is usually not homogeneous along the porous channels. In the
present study the coupled solution of the spatiotemporally varied
flow and mass transport during mixing and selective precipitation
of specific salts in unconsolidated and loosely consolidated porous
media were investigated, with a strong dependence on the prevailing
conditions. Specific salt solutions mixing, transfer, and deposition
rates were studied, targeting the selective enhancement of salts deposition
performance to facilitate consolidation of porous formations. Computational
fluid dynamics methods have been applied for the transient flow and
salt transport with homogeneous or heterogeneous nucleation of crystals
on the walls of pores with specific mixing geometry. During modeling
of flow in pore networks, the three-dimensional character of the process
was taken into account, and the evolution of mass transport and deposition
was monitored. The precipitation of salts in supersaturated and unsaturated
porous medium and the crystals distribution along the porous medium
have been evaluated. Comparison of the simulation results with similar
experiments has been performed.