Application of the linear polarized polychromatic and monochromatic low-intensity light on the locus of pain or acupuncture point effectively reduces pain. The purpose of this article is to describe what changes in the analgesic effectiveness of polarized light modified by fullerene or graphene filter will occur. The essence of such a change consists in optimizing the distribution of quanta in the light flux (hyperpolarization). In the model of inflammatory somatic pain (formalin test on mice), we investigated the influence of the BIOPTRON device light, which passed through a fullerene or graphene filter, on the intensity of the pain reaction (licking of the affected limb) and on the painless behavior (sleeping, washing, eating, running) of the examined animals. It was established that a 10-minute application to the inflammation locus or to E-36 acupuncture point of fullerene light caused a significant reduction of pain. Analgesia was 43.5% and 38.5%, respectively. All non-painful behavioral reactions (sleeping, washing, running, eating) increased their duration. Duration of sleep compared with the control increased twice (application of light to the locus of inflammation) and 3 times (application to acupuncture point E-36). Light modified by a layer of graphene, when applied to the point of acupuncture E-36, weakened the pain more than if applied to the inflammation locus. Analgesia was 58.9% and 49.5%, respectively. Among the non-painful behavioral reactions, the most significant changes have undergone sleeping and eating behavior. Duration of sleep compared with the control increased 4 times (locus of inflammation) or 2.35 times (acupuncture point E-36). Comparison of these data with the results obtained for monochromatic polarized light ranges showed that they could be attributed to the most effective group of analgesic light factors. Both fullerene and graphene light, along with analgesic, have a powerful sedative effect, surpassing effects in comparison with all other ranges of polarized light. Polarized polychromatic light of the BIOPTRON device, which has passed through a nanophotonic fullerene or graphene filter, acting onto the pain or acupuncture point E-36, significantly reduces pain and has a sedative effect.