Disruption of joint mobility (contracture) is a frequent consequence of the treatment of injuries or orthopedic diseases, when the method of immobilization is used in the treatment process. One of the physiotherapeutic methods of preventing contractures and restoring joint mobility after long-term immobilization is vibration therapy. Objective. Create a concept of the effect of low-frequency vibration on joints and peri-articular tissues after immobilization. Methods. The work was performed using a meta-analysis of literature sourcesfrom scientific databases. The publications were analyzed, which considered the impact of vibration on joints or had data on its biologicalimpact on body tissues. Results. The physiological impact of vibration on the body is based on mechanical, physico-chemical and thermal effects. The expression of the physiological response depends on the frequency and amplitude of oscillations, conditions of conducting and localization. The concept is based on the features of the impact of vibration on the structural elements of limbs and joints. The vibration applied to the limb irritates mechanoreceptors, which send a signal to the central nervous system, and thanks to motoneurons, muscle contraction occurs, which affects peripheral blood flow and blood oxygenation. Accordingly, redox processes in tissues are launched. Micromovements caused by vibration contribute to the nutrition of cartilage and metabolism in the synovial fluid, improving the nutrition of periarticular tissues. This contributes to the recovery of both joint and adjacent tissues. Contraction of muscles through motoneurons gives impetus to a gradual increase in their motor activity and strength, restoration of nutrition and cartilage surface - to restoration of mobility. Conclusions. The created conceptual model of the effect of low-frequency vibration on joints with limited mobility due to immobilization takes into account tissue changes under its influence. The concept involves restoration of nutrition of tissues and muscles adjacent to the joint. It is vibration, due to the possibility of transmitting vibrational energy between tissues, that enables the processes of muscle contraction, which increase the blood supply and metabolism of the joint.