The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the acidity of saliva on changes to the surface roughness, friction and microhardness of NiTi alloys with various coatings. Three types of commercially available NiTi archwires: uncoated, rhodium coated and nitrified (dimension 0.508×0.508 mm, 10 cm long) were immersed in 10 mL of artificial saliva with the pH ranging from 4.8 to 6.6 for a period of 28 d. Surface roughness, friction and microhardness were analyzed and compared to the unexposed as-received wires. These mechanical properties were influenced by the wire coating with a moderate-to-high effect size (p£0.005; h 2 =0.132-0.309). The uncoated wire had a lower maximum roughness depth after exposure to pH 6.6 and 5.5 than the unexposed wire (p=0.026; h 2 =0.346). The friction was significantly increased only in the rhodium-coated NiTi at pH 4.8 compared to the lower acidities and the unexposed wire (p=0.005; h 2 =0.437). No correlation was found between pH, surface roughness, friction and microhardness, respectively. The coating of a NiTi alloy has a greater impact on the mechanical properties than the acidity does. A rhodium coating makes the alloy harder, induces a rougher surface and more friction. Nitrification does not alter the alloy as much. The relation between acidity and mechanical properties is not linear. A high acidity of 4.8 induces a high friction, but only in rhodium-coated NiTi. A lower acidity does not change the friction significantly.Cilj {tudije je bil ovrednotiti vpliv kislosti sline na spremembe povr{inske hrapavosti, trenja in mikrotrdote biokompatibilne NiTi zlitine z razli~nimi opla{~enji. Avtorji so za svoje preiskave uporabili tri vrste komercialno dosegljivih NiTi ortodontskih pritrjevalnih`ic: neopla{~eno, opla{~eno z rodijem in nitrificirano (dimenzij 0,508 mm × 0,508 mm, dol`ine 10 cm). @ice so 28 dni potapljali v 10 ml umetne sline s pH vrednostjo med 4,8 in 6,6. Nato so izvedli analize povr{inske hrapavosti, trenja in mikrotrdote v slino namo~enih`ic in jih primerjali z nenamo~enimi izhodnimi`icami. Na mehanske lastnosti je imelo opla{~enje`ic zmeren do znaten vpliv (p£0.005; h 2 =0,132-0,309). Neopla{~ena`ica je imela manj{o maksimalno globino hrapavosti po izpostavitvi pH 6,6 in 5,5 kot`ica, ki slini ni bila izpostavljena (p=0,026; h 2 =0,346). Trenje se je znatno pove~alo samo pri z rodijem opla{~eni NiTi`ici pri pH 4,8 v primerjavi z manj{imi kislostmi in pri s slino neizpostavljeni`ici (p=0,005; h 2 =0,437). Avtorji niso na{li nobene povezave med pH, povr{insko hrapavostjo, trenjem in mikrotrdoto. Opla{~enje NiTi zlitine ima ve~ji vpliv na mehanske lastnosti kot kislost. Opla{~enje z rodijem naredi zlitino tr{o, inducira bolj grobo povr{ino in pove~a trenje. Nitrifikacija bistveno ne spremeni zlitine. Zveza med kislostjo in mehanskimi lastnostmi ni linearna. Velika kislost 4,8 inducira trenje, vendar samo pri z rodijem opla{~enih NiTi`icah. Manj{a kislost pomembno ne spremeni trenja.