EPR method is used to study the Mn impurity in glass system (GeS),(GeS,)loo-, for 0 5 z 5 80.Three types of M n 2 + centers homogeneously incorporated in the glass network are found. They have different coordination numbers and different magnitude and symmetry of crystal field. The dependence of the parameters of Mn2+ EPR spectra on glass composition is obtained for every Mn2+ center. The results are compared with known glass structure data.MeTOnOM 3nP HccJIeAoBaHo noBeAeHHe IIpHMeCH Mn B CTeKJIaX CHCTeMbl (GeS),(GeSz)ioo--z, 0 5 Z 5 80. 0 6~a p y m e~o TPII THlIa UeHTpOB & h 2 + , OTJIU%UOUIIXCfi KOOpAHHaUHOH-CHMOCTH napaMeTpoB cneKTpoB 3nP Mn2+ OT cocTaBa cTema AJIH p a a n a s~~x IleHTPOB l ) Leninskii Gory, SU-119899 Moscow, USSR. 2, SU-199 164 Leningrad, USSR.