Keywords: [~-diketones, p r i m a r y alcohols, epicuticular, early maturation, elongase, lipid, biosynthesis Seventeen mutations resulting in an apparent loss of the epicuticular wax on barley spikes have been shown by complementation, test cross and F2 analyses to be dominantly inherited alterations of the Cer-yy gene. The chemical composition determined by the four alleles 966, 968, 975 and 984 differs from that determined by the wild type in that none of the [~-ketoacyi derived lipids (~-diketones, hydroxy-I~-diketones and esters containing alkan-2-ols) are synthesized while the composition of the other wax lipids (alkanes, primary alcohols, aldehydes, esters containing alkan-I-ols and free acids) is markedly altered toward that characteristic of leaf blade waxes.We suggest that the Cer-yy gene determines a regulatory component which upon mutation activates the gends) in the spike for the leaf blade acyl elongase system and at the same time represses the spike acyl and I~-ketoacyl elongase systems.