In the present study, the effects of non-thermal and nonextensive distribution of electrons on the soliton propagation in plasma system containing Boltzmann positrons have been studied. Using Reductive Perturbation method, Korteweg-de Vries (K-dV), modified K-dV (mK-dV) and Gardner equations are derived for electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma system. The soliton solution of the Gardner equation is discussed in detail. Results have been interpreted in the form of graphs. It is found that for a given set of parameters, there exists a critical value of q (i.e, qc) below which only rarefactive K-dV solitons exist and above it compressive K-dV solitons exist. However, both positive and negative mK-dV and Gardner potential structures exist at the critical value of nonextensivity. The present investigation may help us to understand the electrostatic perturbations in laboratory and space plasmas.