Over the past several decades, the international community has been actively engaged in developing a safe method for isolating spent nuclear fuel, high and intermediate level radioactive wase of different degrees of heat generation in deep geological formations on the basis of regulatory requirements existing in each individual country (for example, in the Russian Federation-NP-055-14). Such a storage facility should be equipped with an engineered safety barrier system that combines a range of materials capable of ensuring the safe localization of environmentally and health-threatening nuclear power generation industry and the nuclear industry waste products, in particular. On the basis of the international experience discussed in this article on the design and operation of such facilities, the most universal material in terms of the functions performed as a component of the engineered barrier system is cement and the cement-based product mixed with various components—concrete. Furthermore, due to the possible mutual influence of buffer materials and their transformation over time at interfaces, this work considers the impact of cement-based barriers on other components of engineered barrier systems, the information on which has been accumulated as a result of both analytical laboratory tests and in situ radioactive waste disposal facilities under construction.