Growth and development in a lepidopteran with variable instar number,Abstract. Though extra instars are often associated with poor conditions and thought to be a compensation for a low growth rate, the reasons why they are necessary, and for variable instar number existing under standard rearing conditions, are not yet clear. In standard rearing conditions, approximately half of Pseudocoremia suavis larvae had five instars (Type I larvae), and half six instars (Type II larvae). Type II larvae took longer to pupate and reached higher pupal weights than Type I larvae. The extra instar was not related to sexual size dimorphism; Type II larvae were not more likely to be females. Females of both Types pupated later than males and had higher pupal weights; this weight gain was achieved wholly via an extended final instar. Relative growth rates (RGR), instar durations and larval weights on weigh days were otherwise the same for both sexes. For most of the larval period, Type II larvae had lower RGR and lower weights than Type I larvae. They also had shorter 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th instars than Type I larvae, and the estimated weights at each moult were significantly lower. The Types are discussed in terms of being, in species with weight thresholds for pupation, not optional "strategies" involving different critical weight ratios for larval moults, but as an inevitable consequence of physiological timing constraints upon reaching the critical weights for larval moults causing large variation in size after the moult. Small larvae may then need an extra instar to reach pupation. When parasitised in the second instar by Meteorus pulchricornis, P. suavis larvae produced parasitoids in either their fourth (4 th instar emerging (IE)) or fifth instar (5 th IE). The estimated moulting weights at each instar of 4 th IE and 5 th IE hosts were very similar to those of Type I and Type II unparasitised larvae respectively, which, together with similarity of instar duration patterns, is strongly suggestive of Types being present within parasitised larvae. The proportion of 5 th IE hosts in the much slowergrowing parasitised treatment was greater than the proportion of Type II larvae in the unparasitised treatment, as might be expected if Type II is associated with lower RGR. The lack of further Types appearing is consistent with extra instars being a compensation for small weight after the moult rather than low RGR per se.