In this work, we present Monte Carlo computer simulation results of a primitive model of self-assembling system based on a flexible 3-mer chain interacting via square-well interactions. The effect of switching off the attractive interaction in an extreme sphere is analyzed, since the anisotropy in the molecular potential promotes self-organization. Before addressing studies on self-organization it is necessary to know the vapor liquid equilibrium of the system to avoid to confuse self-organization with phase separation. The range of the attractive potential of the model, λ, is kept constant and equal to 1.5σ, where σ is the diameter of a monomer sphere, while the attractive interaction in one of the monomers was gradually turned off until a pure hard body interaction was obtained. We present the vapor-liquid coexistence curves for the different models studied, their critical properties, and the comparison with the SAFT-VR theory prediction [A. Gil-Villegas, A. Galindo, P. J. Whitehead, S. J. Mills, G. Jackson, and A. N. Burgess, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 4168 (1997)]. Evidence of self-assembly for this system is discussed.