The surface structure of Al films electrodeposited in a magnetic field was studied in a AlCl 3 -1ethyl-3methylimidazolium chloride (EMIC) mixture ionic liquid, focusing on the surface morphology and crystal orientation. Current-dependent measurements reveal two preferential orientations. First, at small current densities (i < 10 mA cm −2 ), a (111) plane is preferentially oriented parallel to the surface where no magnetic field is detected. Second, at high current densities (i > 10 mA cm −2 ), a (200) Aluminum is a very important material because of its distinctive features of a bright silvery appearance, light weight and high corrosion resistance.1 Also, because Al exists in abundance it can sustain the current strong demand for building construction and ornamental material. Furthermore, it is used as a base in light-emitting diodes owing to its high reflectance of more than 90% in the visible light region. Several methods such as sputtering, 2,3 vacuum vapor deposition, [4][5][6] hot dipping 7-10 and electroplating [11][12][13][14] have been developed for Al film manufacture.Dry film manufacturing processes such as sputtering and vapor deposition are mainly employed to produce glossy surfaces, but it is difficult with these processes to coat an intricate substrate or to fabricate a thick film. The hot dipping method can plate sizable objects in large quantities, but precise control of the surface structure is difficult. The electrolytic plating process, however, can overcome these various problems existing in the technical and economical viewpoints, and can lead to new developments in Al film application.Al electrodeposition is performed in molten salt, 15-17 organic solvents 18,19 and ionic liquid solution. 12,14,20 Room-temperature ionic liquids have attracted much attention because of their ease of operation owing to features such as non-flammability and low vapor pressure. In particular, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazoliumchloride (EMIC) is wellknown as being suitable for Al deposition owing to its high electrical conductivity.11 Many researchers have investigated Al deposition to produce a shiny surface, 18,21-23 and we have previously carried out Al electrodeposition with additives and reported a shiny coating under the control of a stirred flow. 24 In that work, the surface roughness was drastically improved by increasing the stirring rate, but it was still difficult to form a glossy surface on a complex substrate containing features such as ditches or cavities by the use of mechanical convection alone.To pursue a novel convection method, we consider that the superimposition of a magnetic field, B, is a possible solution. A number of research groups have reported the appearance of unique phenomena when magnetic fields are superimposed on the electrodeposition processes. [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32] When electrodeposition is conducted in the presence of B, for instance, magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) convection is induced by the electromagnetic interaction. Effect of the magnetic field on the metals electrodepo...