Mn2ϩ is widely used as an inorganic Ca 2ϩ channel blocker to assess the role of slow inward current in myocardial excitation-contraction coupling. In addition to its well documented negative inotropic effects, Mn 2ϩ is also reported to have positive inotropic effects.
1) Enhancement of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function2) and inhibition of Ca 2ϩ extrusion 1) have been proposed to underlie this positive effect. Also in smooth muscles, enhancement of contraction by Mn 2ϩ has been reported, and some investigators propose an intracellular site of action.3) In the present study, we applied Mn 2ϩ to guinea pig papillary muscles to obtain information on its positive inotropic effect.
MATERIALS AND METHODSHearts were rapidly isolated from guinea pigs of either sex (250-300 g) and right ventricular papillary muscles were dissected out and placed horizontally in a 20 ml organ bath containing physiological salt solution of the following composition (mM concentration): NaCl 135, KCl 5, CaCl 2 2, MgCl 2 1, NaHCO 3 15 and glucose 5.5 (pH 7.4). The nutrient solution was aerated with 95% O 2 -5% CO 2 and maintained at 36.5°C. The preparations were driven by a pair of platinum plate electrodes (field stimulation) with rectangular current pulses (1 Hz, 5 ms 1.2ϫ threshold voltage) generated by an electronic stimulator (Dia Medical System, DPS-165B). The resting tension applied to each preparation was adjusted so that the muscle was stretched to the peak of its length-tension curve. Developed tension was recorded isometrically with a force-displacement transducer (Nihon Kohden TB-611T) connected to a minipolygraph (Nihon Kohden RM-6100). Mn 2ϩ and drugs were added after preparations were allowed to equilibrate for more than 40 min, after which the developed tension of the preparations was well maintained. All drug solutions were prepared immediately before the start of the experiments by dissolving them in distilled water. A small aliquot of the solution was added to the bath to give the desired final concentration. The contractile force after each addition was expressed as a percentage of the force in the absence of drugs. For rapid-cooling-contracture measurements, the preparations were placed in a stream of physiological salt solution and contractile force was measured as above. Twenty seconds after the termination of normal electrical field stimulation at 1 Hz, contracture was induced by rapidly dropping the temperature of the solution from 36.5 to 1°C. Ventricular myocytes were prepared from adult guinea pigs of both sexes by Langendorf perfusion and collagenase digestion as previously described. 4) Cells were then plated on coverslips attached to an experimental chamber and preincubated for 30 min with 10 mM fura-2-AM, after which the chamber was placed on a fluorescence microscope (Olympus IX70), and the cells were washed by perfusion with the physiological salt solution mentioned above. Cells were excited at 360 nm and fluorescence images were obtained with a cooled CCD camera (C-6970; Hamamatsu Photonics). The fluoresce...