Mansoaalliacea species, a well-known home-grown herb in India, that belong to the genus Mansoa of the Bignoniaceae family. The M. alliacea, stems, Bark, flowers and leaves are employed in herbal therapy, and also used as herbal plant. Day by day important of this herbal medicinal plants are studied and used in Ayurvedic system as a Dravyas. Pharmacognostical, Pharmacological and therapeutic research, on the stems, barks, flowers and leaves of the M. alliaceaand its active components are presented in this overview. The essential oils of Mansoaalliacea show the characteristic aroma and flavor. The chemical composition of the extracts of Mansoa has been described and it includes alkaloids, saponin, phenol, triterpenoids, flavonoids, lapachol derivatives and other such compounds. The uses, chemical composition, Pharmacogical activities of Mansoa species such as Depressant