The thermochemistry of stepwise hydration of several potassiated amino acids was studied by measuring the gas-phase equilibria, AAK ϩ (H 2 O) nϪ1 ϩ H 2 O ϭ AAK ϩ (H 2 O) n (AA ϭ Gly, AL, Val, Met, Pro, and Phe), using a high-pressure mass spectrometer. The AAK ϩ ions were obtained by electrospray and the equilibrium constants K nϪ1,n were measured in a pulsed reaction chamber at 10 mbar bath gas, N 2 , containing a known partial pressure of water vapor. Determination of the equilibrium constants at different temperatures was used to obtain the ϩ and Na ϩ ions are the most abundant metal cations in living systems. They play an important role in several biochemical functions such as enzyme regulation, transfer of metal ions from intracellular to extracellular environments, electrical excitability of nerves, stabilization of DNA structures and so on [1]. Therefore, the interaction between alkali metal cations and various amino acids (AAs) has attracted considerable attention, and many experimental and theoretical studies have been conducted [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. These studies show that K ϩ binds to AAs quite differently than Na ϩ . For example, in the case of aliphatic AAs such as glycine (Gly), alanine (Ala), and valine (Val), the Na ϩ ion is coordinated to nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen (NO coordination) in the lowest energy conformers, while K ϩ prefers to bind to the carbonyl and hydroxyl oxygen atoms of the charge-solvated form (OO coordination) [6,8,10,16]. In proline (Pro), phenylalanine (Phe), and cysteine (Cys), the modes of K ϩ binding are similar to those of the corresponding Na ϩ complexes [3-5, 12, 20].Molecular dynamics simulations of a bacterial potassium ion channel reveal a significant selectivity filter for K ϩ compared with Na ϩ ions [21,22]. The different hydration state of Na ϩ and K ϩ in the channel inner pore is postulated to be a basic factor determining ionic selectivity [23,24]. Investigations into the relative energetics of noncovalent interactions between single amino acids, metal ions and water molecules could provide important information to explain ion channel function at a molecular level. Despite the considerable amount of experimental and theoretical studies that have been conducted on the binding of Na ϩ and K ϩ to amino acids, little data are available on the interactions of water molecules with metal ion/amino acid complexes. Because metal ions and biomolecules are normally surrounded by water in living systems, these interactions are of significant importance in understanding biological systems. Williams and coworkers [8,[25][26][27][28][29][30][31] studied the modes of metal ion and water binding in hydrated complexes of alkali metal cationized valine, glutamine, lysine, and ␣-methyl-proline using both black-␣ ␣ body infrared radiative dissociation (BIRD) experiments and theory. Armentrout et al. investigated the sequential bond energies of water to sodiated glycine [32] and proline [33] by threshold collision-induced dissociation ...