Purpose: To evaluate the methotrexate (MTX)-exposed swine brain, functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including perfusion, diffusion, and blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) contrast imaging, was used.
Material and Methods:Juvenile pigs received either 2 ϫ 5 g/m 2 , or 5 ϫ 2 g/m 2 MTX intravenously within one month. MRI was performed (sedative: propofol) before (14 -17 kg, N ϭ 6) and after (21-27 kg, N ϭ 4) the MTX exposure. Also, age-matched controls (22-27 kg, N ϭ 4) were imaged.
Results:After the MTX exposure, reduced (from 2%-4% to 0%-1%) or negative (-2% to -3%) BOLD responses were detected; apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) or relative perfusion values did not change.
Conclusion:This study suggests that MTX-related changes in the brain may be detected as changes in flow-metabolism coupling as reduced or negative response (for somatosensory activation) in the BOLD contrast MRI. The contrast agent perfusion MRI, without absolute quantification, may not show global damage in brain perfusion related to the MTX exposure in the swine model used. ADC (in one direction) may not indicate MTX-related changes in the brain. FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE imaging (MRI) (including perfusion, diffusion, and blood-oxygen-leveldependent [BOLD] imaging) may allow early detection of brain injury before clear anatomic abnormalities (1). Such defects may include microcirculation, water homeostasis, and neuronal activation. Brain microcirculation is typically measured by T 2 *-weighted perfusion imaging with a paramagnetic contrast agent. However, the absolute values of mean transit time (MTT), regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV), and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) can only be obtained if the arterial input function is known, which is difficult (1,2). An easier but less accurate way is to calculate relative values between the different anatomic areas. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is related to extracellular water volume and energy metabolism (3,4). BOLD contrast MRI utilizes paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin as an endogenous contrast agent in T 2 *-weighted activation studies (5-7). Alterations in BOLD response may correspond to changes in flow-metabolism coupling during local neuronal activation in the brain.Methotrexate (MTX) has several effects on cerebral metabolism causing i) demyelination, ii) deterioration in vascular endothelium, iii) synthesis of excitatory neurotransmitters, and iv) decrease in cerebral glucose metabolism (CMR glu ) (8 -14). MTX induces deficits in brain perfusion in several brain areas detected with Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) studies (15,16). Also, MTX may sometimes induce white matter changes in the anatomic .The purpose of the present study was to show how MTX-related changes in the brain affect different functional MRI parameters. Our hypothesis was that functional MRI could show MTX-related changes in brain functionality, i.e., changes in rCBF ratios, MTT ratios, ADC, and BOLD response after the MTX exposure.