We investigate the effect of charge-charge interactions on carrier mobility in titanium dioxide ͑TiO 2 ͒ and silicon ͑Si͒ using terahertz spectroscopy. Charge scattering times and plasma frequencies are directly determined as a function of charge density. In Si, a linear increase in scattering rate for densities exceeding 10 21 m −3 is attributed to electron-hole scattering. In contrast, in TiO 2 , charge-charge interactions are suppressed due to dielectric screening, highlighting the vastly different dielectric properties for these two materials. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.233202 PACS number͑s͒: 72.40.ϩw, 72.10.Di, 72.20.Dp Charge-charge interactions determine many of the properties of highly doped or photoexcited semiconductors. Carrier-carrier collisions, for instance, can strongly affect the conductivity, and the decrease of electron and hole drift mobilities with increasing charge carrier densities is an important factor in determining the current-voltage characteristics of, for example, semiconductor diodes at increased current densities 1 and solar cells under strong illumination conditions. 2 Charge mobility depends on two quantities: its effective mass and scattering time ͑i.e., the average time in-between momentum-randomizing events, due to, e.g., electronphonon scattering͒. Theory has indicated that both of these quantities can be strongly dependent on the free charge density in semiconductors. [3][4][5] Experimental investigations of carrier-carrier interactions are, however, intrinsically more complex, as most experimental techniques ͑such as optical reflectivity measurements 6,7 ͒ cannot easily distinguish between changes in scattering time and effective mass. Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy ͑THz-TDS͒, with its ability to determine both the real and imaginary components of the complex conductivity, 8 allows us to differentiate between density-dependent changes in effective mass from changes in scattering time.Here, we compare the high-density photoconductivity of single crystal silicon ͑Si͒ and rutile-type titanium dioxide ͑TiO 2 ͒, two technologically relevant materials with low and high dielectric functions, respectively. By photoexciting with intense, femtosecond ultraviolet laser pulses and probing with THz pulses, we can generate and measure high-density plasmas in semiconductors on ultrafast time scales, accessing plasma densities spanning 5 orders of magnitude from 10 21 to 10 26 m −3 . In Si, we find that the scattering rate increases linearly for densities Ͼ10 21 m −3 , an effect characteristic of direct charge-charge scattering. For TiO 2 , the variation of the scattering rate with density is much weaker and is caused by band filling effects. The difference between these two materials is shown to originate from their vastly different dielectric screening properties.The TiO 2 ͑1 mm thick 001 rutile crystal grown commercially by the Verneuil method by Crystal-GmbH͒ and silicon ͑0.5 mm thick undoped Si wafer, grown by the Czochralski method with estimated impurity density Ͻ10 13 cm −3 ,...