A study was conducted to evaluate the influence of nutrition and sire breed on age at puberty and first lactation milk yield in crossbred beef heifers. After weaning, 208 heifers sired by Hereford, Limousin, or Piedmontese bulls were assigned to either a control (CG) or stair-step gain (SSG) dietary regimen plus a mineral supplement with or without Cu, Zn, and Mn top-dressed onto the feed. Heifers on the SSG regimen were fed a diet intended to supply energy to support gains at a rate of 120% of the CG diet for 55 d and then were switched to a diet formulated to produce an ADG at 70% of the rate of the CG diet for 84 d. They then switched back to the 120% diet for the last 30 d before breeding. Total weight gain and overall rate of gain did not differ among dietary treatments. Hereford- and Limousin-sired heifers gained at similar rates, and Piedmontese-sired heifers gained an average of .10 kg/d slower than the other two sire breed groups. During one period, Piedmontese-sired heifers on the CG diet gained .19 kg/d faster ( P < . 01) when supplemented with mineral than when not. During that same period, there was no influence of mineral supplementation on weight gains for Hereford- or Piedmontese-sired heifers on the high SSG diet, but Limousin-sired heifers tended (P = .07) to gain faster (1.00 vs .85 kg/d) when supplemented with Cu, Zn, and Mn than when not. Piedmontese-sired heifers reached puberty at the earliest age (P = .03), followed by Hereford- and then Limousin-sired heifers. There were no treatment effects on milk yield at an average of 70 d of lactation. However, at approximately 120 d of lactation, Piedmontese-sired heifers were producing less milk (P < .05) than Limousin- but not Hereford-sired heifers. Hereford-sired heifers had lower (P < .05) plasma Cu concentrations than Piedmontese-sired heifers. There were no treatment effects on plasma Zn concentrations. Heifers sired by bulls of breeds that differ in potential muscularity differed in growth, reproduction, milk yield, and plasma mineral concentrations, but dietary treatments resulted in little to no differences in these variables.