A b s t r a c t. Drought and heat stresses are important threat limitations to plant growth and sustainable agriculture worldwide. Our objective is to provide a review of plant responses and adaptations to drought and elevated temperature including roots, shoots, and final yield and management approaches for alleviating adverse effects of the stresses based mostly on recent literature. The sections of the paper deal with plant responses including root growth, transpiration, photosynthesis, water use efficiency, phenotypic flexibility, accumulation of compounds of low molecular mass (eg proline and gibberellins), and expression of some genes and proteins for increasing the tolerance to the abiotic stresses. Soil and crop management practices to alleviate negative effects of drought and heat stresses are also discussed. Investigations involving determination of plant assimilate partitioning, phenotypic plasticity, and identification of most stress-tolerant plant genotypes are essential for understanding the complexity of the responses and for future plant breeding. The adverse effects of drought and heat stress can be mitigated by soil management practices, crop establishment, and foliar application of growth regulators by maintaining an appropriate level of water in the leaves due to osmotic adjustment and stomatal performance.K e y w o r d s: water stress, high temperature, root and shoot growth, tolerance mechanisms, management practices
INTRODUCTIONPlants are frequently exposed to drought and heat stresses that reduce crop yield worldwide. The combined effect of both heat and drought on yield of many crops is stronger than the effects of each stress alone (Dreesen et al., 2012;Rollins et al., 2013).Agricultural water deficit arises from both insufficient rainfall and soil water during the growing season to sustain a high crop yield (Sekhon et al., 2010;Vadez et al., 2011;2012;). Projections show an increase in intense rain events and at the same time reduction in the number of rain days that leads to increased risk of drought (Trenberth, 2011;Vadez et al., 2011). Therefore, under rainfed conditions water scarcity is one of the most widespread limitations to crop production.A period of dry weather, injurious to crops, is often defined as 'drought' that is related to changes in soil and meteorological conditions and not with plant and tissue hydration. Drought stress occurs when the humidity of the soil and the relative air humidity are low and the ambient temperature is high.Predisposition of plants to maintain a high potential of water in the tissues under drought is called dehydration avoidance, and tolerance that determines plant predisposition to survive water deficiency is called drought resistance (Blum, 2005;Vadez et al., 2011). Molecular biologists often report the effect of an exotic gene towards 'drought tolerance' and advertise its expected value in breeding (Blum, 2005).Heat stress or heat wave is defined as the rise in temperature beyond a threshold level for a period sufficient to cause permanent ...