Small (mean diameter, ca. 1.2 nm) and well-dispersed zero-valent nickel nanoparticles (NiNPs) stabilized by cinchona-based alkaloids and TPPTS (tris(3-sulfophenyl)phosphine trisodium salt), were synthesized from the organometallic precursor [Ni(cod) 2 ] in neat glycerol under hydrogen pressure. NiNPs were fully characterized ((HR)-TEM, EDX, XPS, XRD, IR, magnetization), both at solid state and directly from the corresponding colloidal solutions in glycerol due to its negligible vapour pressure. NiNPs dispersed in glycerol were applied in hydrogenation reactions, in particular in semihydrogenation of alkynes to give (Z)-alkenes under satisfactory conditions (3 bar H 2 , 1 mol% Ni, 100 8C), showing remarkable activity and selectivity. The catalytic phase was recycled at least ten times without loss of activity, affording in each case metal-free organic products. Other functional groups such as nitro, nitrile and formyl groups were efficiently hydrogenated to the corresponding anilines, benzylamines and benzylalcohols respectively (77-95% yields).