The performance every mmotorcycles is influenced by several factors as usual, including the usage of fuel typed. The study aim was to determine the effect fuels such as pertalite, pertamax, and pertamax-turbo type toward the power performance, torque and exhaust emissions produced by a 4-stroke motorbike. The try-out test with experimental methods was done by using motorcylcle of Honda CB 150 R that produced in 2016 as a sample. A sportdyno V3.3 SD325 is a dynamometer used to measure a power and torque, meanwhile eshbon HG-510 is a gas analyzer to measure an exhaust emissions. The fuel variations are pertalite, pertamax, and pertamax turbo. The research finding of this study show that 4-point results, they are: 1) In the range 4,250 to 11,000 rpm showed the maximum pertalite power on 12.53 kW at 9,414 rpm, pertamax 12.48 kW at 9,265 rpm, pertamax-turbo 12.28 kW at 9,403 rpm. 2) In the maximum torque achieved by the pertamax-turbo is 14.07 Nm at 7,237 rpm, pertalite 13.88 Nm at 7,300, and pertamax is 13.86 at 7,611 rpm. 3) In testing exhaust emissions placed on 1,500 to 7,500 rpm, pertalite fuel decreased CO from 2.92% to 0.61% and HC from 405 ppm to 225 ppm, pertamax CO from 2.79% to 0.46% and HC from 393 ppm to 170 ppm, and pertamax turbo CO from 2.44% to 0.38% and HC from 373 ppm to 158 ppm. And the last, 4) the emission test takes into account the usage of high octane fuel will show the smaller impact on environmental pollution.