Pfaffi a glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen, Amaranthaceae, is widely distributed in Brazil. Roots are considered as the world's greatest supplier and β-ecdysone is the most important compound extracted from roots of Pfaffi a glomerata. So, the aim this study was analyze the presence of β-ecdysone in the infl orescences and stems and compared with the content from roots of Pfaffi a glomerata and determine the best extractive method of β-ecdysone this plant. The crude extracts were obtained by Soxhlet method, refl ux, maceration, percolation and turbolyse. Compound extracts were quantifi ed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The analysis were carried out a Phenomenex Column C18, 5 µm, 250x4,6mm, maintened at 30 o C, gradient system using as mobile phase a mixture of methanol and water, fl ow rate 1,0 mL and detection at 245 nm. Results showed Soxhlet method with ethanol:water (90:10 v/v) presented the higher concentration of β-ecdysone in P. glomerata and infl orescences showed higher amount of this active substance (3,06%), compared with stems (2,37%) and roots (1,63%), showing that the infl orescences and plant stems may also be used as a rich source of β-ecdysone.