ZEMKOVÁ, Ľ., HLUŠEK, J., LOŠÁK, T., JŮZL, M., ELZNER, P.: The eff ect of selenium application to the soil on the sulphur and phosphorus content in potatoes. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2008, LVI, No. 5, pp. 243-250 In a small-plot trial with potatoes were applied increasing doses of selenium to the soil (0, 12, 24, 48 and 72 kg Se . ha ) and a er harvest were explored the content of selenium, phosphorus and sulphur in raw tubers and in the tops. The trials were conducted in two localities -Žabčice and Valečov using the semi-early variety Ditta. Selenium was applied to the soil in the form of sodium selenite before planting the potatoes. Chemical analyses discovered that with the applied dose the level of se lenium increased in both tubers and tops and that the correlation between the applied selenium dose and its content in tubers and tops was signifi cant (α < 0.05) and positive (r = 0.885 and r = 0.908, respectively). With an increasing dose of selenium the reduction in the level of sulphur in the tops (r = −0.872, α < 0.05) was statistically signifi cant. In both localities the range of the sulphur levels in tubers was very narrow, i.e. 0.16-0.18%, and the eff ect of the selenium dose was not signifi cant. The phosphorus content in tubers and tops did not change signifi cantly a er application of a dose of up to 48 kg Se . ha −1. With the highest dose of selenium the content of phosphorus in both tops and tubers decreased signifi cantly.