Summaryriboflavin, Sigma Chemical Co. (14); D-[2-14C]-riboflavin, Amersham (15); biochemical grade CsCl (99.9%), Gallard-~chlesin~er Standard phototherapy human in the pres-Chemical Co, (16); toluene, trichloroacetic acid and high purity ence of riboflavin is known to produce single-strand breaks in argon, Fisher Scientific Co, (17), Omnifluor, New England Nuintracellular DNA. A new photochemical reaction is described clear between riboflavin and purified DNA in which an adduct is formed.DNA was dissolved in SSC (0.015 NaC1, 0.0015 Unlike the previously described oxygen-dependent reaction be-sodium citrate) at a concentration of 1 mg/ml and allowed to tween light-activated riboflavin and deoxyguanosine, this new stand for at least 48 at 4 0~ before use in order to assure complete photochemical reaction is oxygen-independent and involves deoxyadenosine or thymidine.dispersion. Poly (dA) .poly (dT) and poly (dG)-poly (dC) were dissolved in 1/10 SSC at a concentration of 85 ua/ml and either used immediately or stored at -20°C. ['*c]-~ibudflavin in 1/10