SUMMARY1. Intracellular pH (pH1) of surface fibres of the mouse soleus muscle was measured in vitro by recessed-tip pH-sensitive micro-electrodes. pH1 was displaced in an acid direction by removal of external (NH4)2SO4 after a short exposure, and the mechanism of recovery from this acidification was investigated.2. Removal of external K caused a very slow acidification (probably due to the decreasing Na gradient) but had no effect on the rate of pH, 8. Removal of external C02 or application of SITS (10-4M) caused some slowing of the rate of pH1 recovery following acidification by removal of (NH4)2S04. The effect of SITS was additive to that of Na-free Ringer or amiloride. These results suggest that Cl-HCO3-exchange is also involved in the pH, regulating system and that it is a separate mechanism. Under the conditions used, Cl-HCO3-exchange formed about 20 % of the pH1 regulating system. 9. Decreasing the temperature from 37 to 28 'C not only caused an increase in pHi, but also considerably slowed the rate of pH1 recovery following acidification. We have calculated a Q10 for Na+-H+ exchange of [1][2][3][4] and for Cl-HCO3-exchange, 6-9. 10. We conclude that the pH1 regulating system is comprised of two separate ionic exchange mechanisms. The major mechanism is Na+-H+ exchange, which is probably driven by the transmembrane Na gradient. The other mechanism is Cl-HCO3-exchange, which probably requires metabolic energy.