In a postasphyxia neonatal lamb model, the responses of the cerebral circulation to hypoxic hypoxia and changes in systemic arterial blood pressure were examined. Ventilated newborn lambs (n= 14) were subjected to a gradual asphyxia! insult, resuscitated, and returned to control ventilator settings. During the tune 2-5 hours after asphyxia, the responses of cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygen delivery (OD), cerebral oxygen consumption (CMROj), and cerebral fractional oxygen extraction (E) to changes in either arterial oxygen content (CaOJ or mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were assessed. These data were compared with measurements from nonasphyxiated lambs (n = 7). With hypoxia (n = 7), cerebral blood flow increased ( B irth asphyxia with subsequent central nervous system sequelae is an important problem in perinatal medicine. A history of asphyxia is associated with a significant increase in neonatal mortality in infants of >27 weeks' gestation.1 Equally important is the presence of neurologic handicap among survivors.2 -3 Although the initial hypoxicischemic insult with cerebral oxygen deprivation is important to the genesis of brain injury, of potentially equal importance is damage that occurs after the initial insult during the period of cerebral recovery.Previous work in a neonatal lamb model during this postasphyxia period of cerebral recovery has demonstrated important changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and oxygen consumption (CMROJ. 4 In the immediate postasphyxia period, there was a state of reactive hyperemia. However, despite this overperfusion, CMRO 2 was depressed. In the late period after asphyxia (30 minutes-4 hours) there was a significant depression in CBF, cerebral oxygen delivery (OD), and CMRO 2 . These postasphyxia abnormalities of CBF and CMRO 2 may be important in the evolution of brain injury with asphyxia.Another potential mechanism causing extension of Received April 13, 1987; accepted July 7, 1987. brain injury after asphyxia is an abnormal regulatory response of the cerebral circulation to subsequent hypoxia or hypotension. Under normal circumstances, during hypoxia OD is maintained as arterial oxygen content (CaOj) decreases by a reciprocal increase in CBF (OD = CBFxCaO 2 ). With stable OD, CMRO 2 remains constant as does the relation between CMRO 2 and OD, cerebral fractional oxygen extraction (E). 5 If an appropriate increase in CBF does not take place OD will fall, placing the brain at risk for further hypoxic injury. Likewise, hypotension can also result in depressed OD secondary to falling CBF if cerebral autoregulation is impaired. My studies were designed to examine the hypothesis that cerebral vasodilation in response to hypoxia or hypotension is impaired 2-5 hours after asphyxia. In a second group of animals, I assessed the role of cerebral edema as a cause for both late postasphyxia cerebral hypoperfusion and impaired vasodilation because cerebral edema has been suggested as a mechanism for postasphyxia abnormalities in CBF regulation.
Materials and Methods