In a model experiment, Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were fed on a cornsilage-based diet supplemented with 11.75 MJ NE l per day of calcium soaps of palm oil fatty acids (CAS) or hydrogenated triglyceride (HTG) or without fat supplementation (control). All diets were fed to the cows over a period from 21 ± 3 days (d) prior to the expected calving to d 100 ± 5 postpartum. On d 25 (basal sample) and d 14 prepartum as well as on d 5 and 25 postpartum liver samples were collected by percutaneous biopsy. Total lipid content, fatty acid composition and glycogen of liver tissues were determined. At d 5 postpartum, both control and CAS cows had higher liver lipid (P < 0.05) and lower glycogen (P < 0.05) concentrations than cows in the HTG group. No significant (P < 0.05) differences were detected in liver fat content among the groups at d 14 prepartum or d 25 postpartum. The glycogen concentration slightly decreased in the liver of cows in each treatment group from d 14 prepartum to d 5 postpartum; however, this decrease was more intensive in both the control and CAS groups than in the HTG group. The variations in liver lipid concentrations were accompanied by significant changes in the proportion of C16:0, C16:1n-7, C18:0, C18:1n-9, C18:2n-6 and C20:4n-6 fatty acids in the liver lipids. The results show that HTG supplementation exerted more advantageous effects on liver lipid and glycogen metabolism than did CAS supplementation.