din F2o on the estrous cycle and hormone levels in the gilt. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 56: 661_669.Two experiments were conducted using cycling crossbred gilts 7-9 mo of age.Blood samples were taken daily at I000 h from day 0 (first day of estrus) to the day of PGF2' injection; at I h and 2 h post treatment, and subsequently every 6 h for 96 h; then daily until the next estrus. In experiment I,20 mg PGF2' was injected intramuscularly (i m ) to three gilts on day 9 (tr) and to three gilts on day 9 and again on da1' l0 (t2). In experiment II, three gilts were injccted i.m. with 20 mg PGF2* on day 12. In both experiments, control blood samplcs were collected from three of the gilts for one estrous cycle prior to the treatment cycle. Serum progesterone (P) dropped significantly (P<.01) in t1 from a pre-injection mean (+SE) of 8.9 ,t 0.7 ng/ml to 4.8 + 0.U ng/ml 8 h afier injection. In 12, P decreascd significantly (P<.05) on day 9 from a mean prior to injection of I 1 .2 + 2.3 ng/ml to 7.5 t 1 .8 ng/ml by 8 h post injection. Similarly, following PGF2' on day 10, P levels dropped sharply (P<.05) fiom a mean of 8.3 + 0.8 ng/ml prior to injection to 3.8 + 0.4 ng/ml 8 h later. These decrcascs $ere not seen in controls. In all cases. ercept onc, P recovered to normal levels by 96 h and followed a pattern similar to the controls. In experiment II, scrum P declined (P<.0-5) frtrm a pre-in.iection mean of 12.8 + 0.9 ng/ml to 1.9 + A.1 ng/ml by 2 h after treatment and continued to fall. In contrast, P concentrations on day l2 of thc control cycle rerrained relatively constant. Mean estrogen (E) lcvcls increased slightly within thc first hour post injcction in both experiments, but were significantly elevated (P <.01) above the pre-injection mean only in t, gilts on day 9. Subsequently. E patterns were similar to those of thc control cycles. No consistent changes were observed in mean LH concentrations following treatment. Cycle length was unaffected by PGF2. treatment on da1' 9, or on days 9 and 10. When PGF2' was in.jccted on day 12, estrus occurred an averagc of 1.7 days earlier than in the control cycle (P<.05