Thirty, 14 weeks of age New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits with an average live body weight (LBW) of 2.0 Kg were divided into 10 similar groups (3 in each). The rabbits were housed in a separate cage (3 rabbits in each). Ten pelleted experimental diets were contained two levels of sodium nitrate (0 and 2%). The other four tested feed additives were sodium sulfate, clay, yeast and prebiotic. Diets refers to as R2, R3, R4 and R5 were without sodium nitrate, but with feed additives, sodium sulphate, clay, yeast and prebiotic, respectively. While, diets R6, R7, R8, R9 and R10 were with sodium nitrate and R6 without feed additives but R7, R8, R9 and R10 were with the same feed additives, sodium sulphate, clay, yeast and prebiotic, respectively. The DCP % was higher with feeding on R1, R2 and R7, TDN % was higher with feeding with R1, DCP intake g/d with R1, R5 and R7, TDN intake g/d with R1, DE Kcal/Kg was higher with feeding on R4 and R9, DE intake Kcal/d with R1 and R4 while DEI/DCPI was increased with feeding on R4, R6 and R9. The effect of the feed additives, also showed that the total VFA increased (p < 0.05) without feed additives or with added Na2SO4 or clay than added prebiotic. The highest values were observed with feeding on R1, R2 and R7. The highest values of NH3 concentrations were observed with feeding on R3 and R8 diets.Protein concentration was higher with feeding on R4 or R10 than the others. Urea-N concentration was the highest with feeding on R7, while the creatinine concentration was increased with feeding on R9 compared with the other diets. When using the feed additives e.g. probiotic without sodium nitrate (R4) or with sodium nitrate (R9) caused improving effect on the feeding values of tested diets. However, diets R1 and R6 without or with sodium nitrate respectively showed the best results in case of nutrient digestibility and feed values as well as caecum fermentation and some blood parameters.