The antioxidant enzymes system in the shoot of the Zea mays was checked in the laboratory. The seeds Soil culture of Zea mays (cv. African Tall-09) were purchased from the local market and sterilized properly. The growth was done for five days and treated by two NaCl (100mM and 200mM) levels, two kinetin (2µM and 5µM) levels and their respective combinations. The enzymatic assays of key antioxidant enzymes i.e. catalase, guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), ascorbate peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase (GR) in maize leaves were done. The assessment of important metabolic parameters i.e. lipid peroxidation, non-protein thiol levels and proline content in maize leaves was also performed. The activity of catalase was very strongly responsive for kinetin and increased its activity at both the levels. The activity of GR was also inhibited in case of salt and kinetin grouping of lower concentration level. The GPX activity was inhibited by 100 and 200mM of NaCl levels in external medium but stimulated by 5µM Kinetin level alone as well as in high amount salt combination levels while superoxide dismutase of Zea mays shoots was stimulated and showed noteworthy gain were shown in response to 200mM NaCl level as well as kinetin levels. The lower combina tion of both salt and kinetin suppressed the activity of ascorbate peroxidise while the lipid peroxidation and proline content were increased by both the salt treatments.