The structural and magnetic properties of thin films and multilayers based on
magnetic layers and Si spacers have been studied by surface x-ray diffraction,
Auger electron spectroscopy and magneto-optical transverse Kerr effect
measurements. Surface x-ray diffraction has been used to follow the evolution of the
Co lattice as Si is incorporated into the network for the low Si content range,
1.00≤x≤0.77, and a contraction of the unit cell, around 0.2% out-of-plane and 0.9% in-plane, has been
found. No fingerprint of structural anisotropy in the grain size, either parallel or
perpendicular to the magnetic easy axis, has been detected. Magneto-optical transverse
Kerr effect hysteresis loops of single films show both an increase of coercive field and a
rotation of the magnetic anisotropy axis as Si enters the lattice in the polycrystalline range,
1.00≤x≤0.85. For the multilayer case, the loops confirm the formation of antiferromagnetic ordering
through the layers when the composition of the alloy is tuned to be in the amorphous
range. The corresponding AES signals show asymmetric depth profiles, suggesting
the formation of intermediate compounds at the broader Co-on-Si interfaces.