The frequency shifts
of donor stretching vibration in X–H···Y
(X = C, N, O; Y = N, O) hydrogen-bonded complexes of phenylacetylene,
indole, and phenol are linearly correlated with the electrostatic
component of the interaction energy. This linear correlation suggests
that the electrostatic component, which is the first-order perturbative
correction to the stabilization energy, is essentially localized on
the X–H group. The linear correlation suggests that the electrostatic
tuning rate, which is a measure of the X–H oscillator to undergo
shifts upon hydrogen bonding per unit increase in the electrostatic
component of the stabilization energy, was found to be in the order
of O–H > N–H > C–H. Interestingly, for
each of
the donor groups, viz., C–H, N–H, and O–H, the
vibrational frequency shifts were inversely correlated to the dipole
moment of the acceptor separately, which is counterintuitive vis-à-vis
the electrostatic component. This implies that extrapolation to zero
dipole moment of the acceptor will yield very large shifts in the
hydrogen-bonded X–H stretching frequencies. The trends in the
variation of the dispersion and exchange-repulsion components and
the total interaction energy vis-à-vis frequency shifts of
donor stretching vibration are similar for hydrogen-bonded complexes
of phenylacetylene, indole, and phenol. Furthermore, it was observed
that the vibrational frequency shifts of all of the complexes are
linearly correlated with the charge transfer from the filled orbital
of the hydrogen acceptor to the vacant antibonding (σ*) orbital
of the X–H donor group on the basis of natural bonding orbital