Restructured pork chops were formulated using boneless pork shoulders, 1 % NaCl and .25% sodium tripolyphosphate (STP). Experimental treatment included (1) 90% pork-1 0% dried apples (A), (2) 100% pork (C),(3) 9O%pork--lO% corn crumbs (CC), and (4) 90% pork-10% mushrooms (M). All samples were stored at -20°C until evaluation at 10 or 70d. Corn crumbs appeared to have less potential as an enhancer due to their adverse effect on color, overall appearance, texture, tenderness and flavor. Dried apples appeared to impair product cohesion more than overall product and color stability. Mushrooms appeared to be a viable source for flavor and appearance enhancement. Among nonmeat ingredients evaluated, none enhanced texture. Storage time had minimal effect on product tenderness.