This work comprises accurate computational analysis of levitated liquid droplet oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The AC magnetic field interacting with the induced electric current within the liquid metal droplet generates intense fluid flow and the coupled free surface oscillations. The pseudo-spectral technique is used to solve the turbulent fluid flow equations for the continuously dynamically transformed axisymmetric fluid volume. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is updated with the shape and position change. We start with the ideal fluid test case for undamped Rayleigh frequency oscillations in the absence of gravity, and then add the viscous and the DC magnetic field damping. The oscillation frequency spectra are further analysed for droplets levitated against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. In the extreme case electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (water) levitation dynamics are simulated. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions. KEY WORDS: electromagnetic material processing; magnetic levitation; free surface dynamics; turbulent fluid flow.results demonstrate the correspondence to analytical Rayleigh frequencies without numerical damping in the case of an ideal fluid droplet. For the case of realistic AC field levitation with normal gravity the internal fluid flow is turbulent, and an appropriate model for the time dependent turbulence is applied to obtain the oscillation frequencies in this complex nonlinear case. For the electrically conducting droplet both DC and AC magnetic fields exert a damping effect included in the numerical model. Finally, diamagnetic water droplet levitation is simulated in a high gradient DC magnetic field. The predicted oscillations are strongly affected by the droplet surface motion within the steep gradient force field.
Mathematical Model
Momentum and Temperature EquationsThe present modelling approach is based on the turbulent momentum and heat transfer equations for an incompressible fluid:where v is the velocity vector, p -the pressure, r -the density, n e ϭn T ϩn (summ of turbulent and laminar viscosity) is the effective viscosity which is variable in time and position, f is the electromagnetic force, g -the gravity vector, T -the temperature, a e ϭa T ϩa (summ of turbulent and laminar) is the effective thermal diffusivity, C p -the specific heat, C p * -the solid fraction modified specific heat function which accounts for latent heat effects (see Ref. 19)) for details), and | J| 2 /s is the Joule heat. The momentum Eq. (1) contains the nonlinear term in the convective (in difference to the rotational) form which, according to our tests, gives greater stability for the long time development problems. We will consider the flow representation for an axisymmetric fluid droplet in the spherical co-ordinates (R, q, f). The momentum and the continuity Eqs. (1), (2) in the absence of the azimuthal velocit...