Package-induced stress changes the sensitivity of planar Hall plates via the piezo-Hall effect. In this paper, we present a novel stress sensor that allows us to compensate for this undesired mechanical cross-sensitivity. The new CMOScompatible sensor is based on a Wheatstone bridge built of eight appropriately arranged n-and p-doped piezoresistors. The differential output signal V bridge of the sensor is proportional to the sum of in-plane normal stresses σ x x +σ yy with the sensitivity S bridge,σ = ∂ V bridge / V bias /∂ σ x x + σ yy = −0.047GPa −1 . Doping concentrations larger than 10 19 cm −3 for both the n-and p-type resistors are used to minimize the parasitic resistor mismatch due to the junction field effect. Simultaneously, the highly doped resistors keep the relative thermal cross-sensitivity of the sensor as small as 74 ppm K −1 . In contrast to conventional sensor rosettes, the new sensor has the advantage of offering a differential output signal. The measured signal is successfully used to decrease the stress-impact on the sensitivity of CMOS Hall sensors by a factor of five.