Fin field effect transistor (FinFET) is a most widely used structure when the field effect transistor is scaled down to 30 nm or less. And there are few studies on single-event transient of FinFET devices with gate length below 30 nm. The single-event-transient on FinFET with gate length below 30 nm is worth studying. The single-event-transient responses of bulk FinFETs with 30 nm, 40 nm, 60 nm and 100 nm gate length are examined by using the pulsed laser and technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulation in this article. First, we use the pulsed laser to ionize the gate of the FinFET device and detect the transient drain current of the FinFET device. The experimental results show that there are obvious platforms for the transient drain current tails of FinFETs with different gate lengths, and the platform current increases as the gate length of FinFET becomes shorter. The charges collected in the platform of FinFET devices with gate lengths of 100, 60, 40, and 30 nm are 34%, 40%, 51%, and 65% of the total charge collected in transient drain current, respectively. Therefore, when the FinFET device with the gate length below 100 nm, the platform current will seriously affect the device performance. Second, we use TCAD to simulate the heavy ion single-event effect of FinFET device and study the generation mechanism of platform region in transient drain current. The TCAD simulation explains this mechanism. Laser or heavy ions ionize high concentration electron-hole pairs in the device. The holes are quickly collected and the high concentration electrons are left under the FinFET channel. High concentration electrons conduct source and drain, generating the source-to-drain current at the tail of the transient drain current. Moreover the source-drain conduction enhances the electrostatic potential below the FinFET channel and suppresses high-concentration electron diffusion, making source-to-drain current decrease slowly and form the platform. The transient drain current tail has a long duration and a large quantity of collected charges, which seriously affects FinFET performance. This is a problem that needs studying in the single-event effect of FinFET device. It is also a problem difficult to solve when the FinFET devices are applied to spacecraft. And the generation mechanism of the transient drain current plateau region of FinFET device can provide theoretical guidance for solving these problems.