The complex hydrodynamics of water entry by a spinning sphere are investigated experimentally for low Froude numbers. Standard billiard balls are shot down at the free surface with controlled spin around one horizontal axis. High-speed digital video sequences reveal unique hydrodynamic phenomena which vary with spin rate and impact velocity. As anticipated, the spinning motion induces a lift force on the sphere and thus causes significant curvature in the trajectory of the object along its descent, similar to a curveball pitch in baseball. However, the splash and cavity dynamics are highly altered for the spinning case compared to impact of a sphere without spin. As spin rate increases, the splash curtain and cavity form and collapse asymmetrically with a persistent wedge of fluid emerging across the centre of the cavity. The wedge is formed as the sphere drags fluid along the surface, due to the no-slip condition; the wedge crosses the cavity in the same time it takes the sphere to rotate one-half a revolution. The spin rate relaxation time plateaus to a constant for tangential velocities above half the translational velocity of the sphere. Non-dimensional time to pinch off scales with Froude number as does the depth of pinch-off; however, a clear mass ratio dependence is noted in the depth to pinch off data. A force model is used to evaluate the lift and drag forces on the sphere after impact; resulting forces follow similar trends to those found for spinning spheres in oncoming flow, but are altered as a result of the subsurface air cavity. Images of the cavity and splash evolution, as well as force data, are presented for a range of spin rates and impact speeds; the influence of sphere density and diameter are also considered.
IntroductionThe water-entry problem, by itself, is directly relevant to many different applications: from ballistics (May 1975) and ship slamming (Faltinsen & Zhao 1997) to skipping stones (Rosellini et al. 2005) and Basilisk lizards (Glasheen & McMahon 1996). One of the geometrically most simple objects that can be studied is the sphere. This canonical shape impacting on the free surface does not, however, yield simple hydrodynamic results, and the results are even more complex when spin is introduced (Truscott & Techet 2006). An experimental study of the impact of a sphere, spinning transverse to its velocity, on a water surface is presented herein, offering a first look into how spin can affect water-entry behaviour. Figure 1 shows a comparison of the non-spinning (a) and spinning (b) impact of a standard billiard ball on the free surface. The air cavity and splash formed by the spinning sphere vary distinctly from the axisymmetric cavity formed with no spin. The subsurface air cavity bends along the trajectory of the spinning sphere, and the splash † Email address for correspondence: ahtechet@MIT.EDU curtain grows vertically and collapses asymmetrically. For the spinning water-entry problem, valuable insight into the physics can be drawn from both water entry and spinning sphere re...