The influence of various strain waveforms on the low‐cycle fatigue of IN 718 tested at 650°C has been investigated. The straining paths are accompanied by dwell‐induced creep component(s) or unequal strain distribution in different portions of cycles reducing strength of material. The investigation intends to clarify mainly mechanistic aspects of relaxation‐fatigue interaction. Features of time‐dependent effect induced by nonpeak dwell and the same accompanied by peak dwell, slow unloading from the peak to a lower strain, and different loading and unloading rates are compared in terms of stress amplitude responses, mean stress relaxation, hysteresis loops, life, and damage parameter DC‐F. Softening is common in all the cases, and degree of softening varies linearly with life. The energy‐based life prediction model has been found to work well for the data, and we have introduced energy fraction–based approach to observe simultaneous contribution from both creep and fatigue on life.