This review is focused on present studies of beam-wave interaction in high performed during last 15 years by the co-authors. All results are gathered in can tentatively be entitled: "Megawatts rahertz and beyond" and "Miscellane were performed using either non consistent code MAGY [1], or self stationary, multimode code based on lated in Ref.[2], or using quasi-linear a the dependence of the electron current tensity of the RF field is described (see, e.g., [3]).
Megawatts and above.In this secti paid, first, to the issue of mode interac gyrotrons operating in very-high-order MAGY simulations [4] illustrated by F that the most dangerous are the modes quency separation from the operating on efficient is the operation in the regi excitation, the most dangerous are th with a lower frequency located in the r excitation, where start currents are smal The second issue requiring a carefu the start-up scenario, i.e. analysis of m excitation of the desired mode followe mode into the region of the most efficie rule, it requires passing through the re excitation into the region of hard sel scenario in long-pulse and CW regime by varying the external magnetic field mod-anode voltages and the beam curre cept was formulated in Ref. [5]; the re dies was given in Ref. [6].) An exa through these regions is shown in Fig. 2