A recently developed method for quantitative assessment of regional lung ventilation was employed for the study of posture-dependent ventilation differences in rats. The measurement employed hyperpolarized 3 He MRI to detect the build-up of the signal intensity after increasing numbers of 3 He breaths, which allowed for computation of a regional ventilation parameter. A group of six anesthetized rats was studied in both supine and prone postures. Three-dimensional maps of the ventilation parameter were obtained with high spatial resolution (voxel volume ϳ2 mm 3 ). Vertical (dorsal-ventral) gradients of the ventilation index, defined as the regional ventilation normalized by the average ventilation within the whole lung, were investigated. Variations in the regional distribution of the ventilation parameter, as well as of the ventilation index, could be detected, depending on the posture of the rats. In supine posture, ventilation was elevated in the dependent parts of the lungs, with a linear gradient of the ventilation index of Ϫ0.11 Ϯ 0.03 cm Ϫ1 . In prone posture, the distribution of ventilation was more uniform, with a significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) smaller gradient of the ventilation index of Ϫ0.01 Ϯ 0.02 cm Ϫ1 . It is concluded that the 3 He MRI-based method can detect and quantify regional ventilation gradients in animals as small as the rat and that these gradients depend on prone or supine posture of the animal.hyperpolarized gas magnetic resonance imaging; helium-3; lung function; posture dependence IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT THE distribution of regional pulmonary ventilation depends on the posture of an air-breathing animal or human (27). This has classically been attributed to effects of gravity on pleural pressure and alveolar expansion (24). Regional ventilation values change dramatically between prone and supine body postures, with predominantly dorsal ventilation in supine posture and a more uniform distribution of ventilation in prone posture (15,16,20,31,40,41). Oxygenation and gas exchange improve in prone posture, but the exact mechanism remains unclear (27). This is not fully explained by effects of gravity, and other important factors have been suggested, e.g., dorsoventral differences in lung structure balancing out the gravitational forces in the prone posture (37). Various studies on the influence of posture on the regional distribution of ventilation have been conducted on humans and large animals like dogs, sheep, and pigs (28), but no data are available for small species like the rat.In the past, quantitative measurements of regional lung ventilation have been obtained with invasive techniques or with radioisotope imaging (2, 3, 5), but these methods have been limited in their spatial and temporal resolution. Improved spatial resolution has been realized with xenon-enhanced computed tomography, where the ventilation is determined from the wash-in and wash-out rates of stable xenon (13,14,18,20). Using a MRI-based method, regional ventilation has been evaluated qualitatively from the variations ...