The dental remains of 88 individuals from Old Kingdom, First Intermediate, and Greco-Roman periods at the ancient Egyptian site of Mendes (Tell er-Rub(c)a) were examined for dental enamel hypoplasia, and the results reported here provide some of the first comparative data on enamel defects in ancient Egypt. Overall, 48% of the individuals in the sample have one or more teeth with hypoplasia, with 17% of permanent teeth and 8% of deciduous teeth affected. The permanent teeth account for 87% of the total number of affected teeth, a prevalence over deciduous teeth that is significant at alpha = 0.05. Permanent and deciduous teeth display different patterns of hypoplasia, with the former exhibiting both discrete pitting and linear furrowing, and the latter exhibiting only pits. Teeth with linear defects significantly outnumber those with pits by a factor of more than three to one. Only permanent canines display more than one lesion on a tooth, with a mean of 1.4 defects per affected tooth. Although calculation of the age of insult from lesion position is imprecise, it appears that stress episodes occurred most commonly between approximately 3-5 years of age. The presence of pits in the deciduous dentition, however, suggests that physiological stresses began in utero. There is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of enamel defects between males and females. An observed decrease in the frequency of defects from the Old Kingdom period to the subsequent First Intermediate and Greco-Roman periods is not significant at alpha = 0.05, although such a decrease is expected given epigraphic and other data that refer to prolonged drought and malnutrition in the late Old Kingdom. The calculated chi(2) value of 3.83 is significant at the 0.10 level, however, and since our sample is rather small and the magnitude of the chi-square statistic is a function of sample size, we recommend that future research investigate further the relationship between the frequency of enamel defects and the time period in which they occur.