It had been shown previously by Eichel and Roth (1953b) that x-radiation at a level of 300,000 or 500,000 r depressed the respiration of Tetrahymena pyriformis W, 3 but did not appreciably affect the nuclease activity in homogenates prepared from irradiated whole cells. In irradiated homogenates, however, nuclease activity was reduced by approximately 50%. This paper presents some further observations of the effect of 300,000 to 600.000 r on respiration and several enzymes of T. pyriformis S. The S strain was chosen for two reasons; first, to obtain comparisons of the effect of x-radiation on respiration and deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity in a strain different from that studied previously, and second, because the higher rate of succinate oxidation in the S strain (Eichel, 1954) would facilitate investigations of this specific enzyme system. The effects of x-radiation on catalase, and malic, glutamic, and succinic dehydrogenases, as well as some properties of succinic dehydrogenase and DNase, have also been observed. In addition, the effect of x-radiation on the oxidation of L-phenylalanine and acetate by the W strain has been studied.