psoralen, 66-97-7. LITERATURE CITED Ashwood-Smith, M. J.; Grant, E. Experientia 1976, 33, 384. Ashwood-Smith, M. J.; Poulton, G. A.; Barker, M.; Mildenberger, Ashwood-Smith, M. J.; Natarajan, A. T.; Poulton, G. A. JNCI, Ashwood-Smith, M. J.; Poulton, G. A,; Ceska, 0.; Liu, M.; Fumiss, Ashwood-Smith, M. J.; Ceska, 0.; Chaudhary, S. K. Br. Med. J.Condensed tannins isolated from mung bean and tannic acid decreased the in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone-(PVP-) treated and untreated boiled seeds without broth of two mung bean varieties by 3-6%. Addition of PVP to boiled seeds without broth increased IVPD significantly by 2%. However, when PVP was added to boiled seeds with broth, the slight increase in IVPD was not significant.