Teachers are the pivot of Ghana’s new educational reform and their expertise in the use of the recommended assessment strategies need to be evaluated from time to time to enhance teaching and learning. This survey research approach sought to measure the use of Assessment as Learning strategy among basic school teachers in Ghana. The features, strategies and principles underpinning Assessment as Learning strategy formed the basis of the construction of 7 item likert scale with a reliability coefficient of 0.995. A sample size of 100 was computed at 95% confidence interval and randomly selected from the population. With respect to the use of Assessment as Learning strategy, significant differences were found for teaching division, teaching experience and gender. From the findings, the mean difference of 1.281 explains that class teachers demonstrated greater skills (M:3.75, SD:.436) with respect to assessing students in ways that make them reflect on their own work on regular basis through self and peer assessment, than their subject teacher counterparts(M:2.47, SD: 0.507). Also, with a mean difference of 1.526,class teachers (M: 3.59, SD: .496) exhibited higher skills of providing safe environment and support for students to take chances, than their subject teacher counterparts(M:2.06, SD: .246).Again, the absolute mean difference of 1.085 explains that teachers with at least 4 years of teaching experience (M:3.82, SD:.389)demonstrated greater skills with respect to providing for the development of independent learners than their counterparts(M:2.73, SD:0.447) with lesser years of teaching experience. Female teachers (M: 3.90, SD: .303) demonstrated greater skills with respect to providing for the development of independent learners than their male counterparts (M: 2.76, SD: 0.431)with a mean difference of 1.140.The overall performance of the teachers with regards to the Assessment as Learning strategy was found to be 57% using the grand mean as the threshold criterion. The findings provide a basis for Ghana Education Service to provide in-service professional learning training aimed at enhancing teachers’ knowledge of formative assessment with the ultimate goal of enhancing students’ learning and achievement.