To date, a limited knowledge is available about Umbilicaria antarctica responses when it is exposed high doses of UV-B radiation. It is well established that resistance of Antarctic lichens to natural UV-B levels including increased doses during ozone hole period is high, thanks to numerous photoprotective mechanism. Capacity of the photoprotective processes, however, is not well known This study attempts to determine changes on the photosynthetic efficiency and on the synthesis of UV-B absorbing compounds of U. antarctica when exposed to low photosynthetically active radiation and extremely high intensity of UV-B light: 3.0 W m -2 , of UV-B for 3 hours, 6 hours and 7 days. During the experiment, chlorophyll fluorescence was measured to evaluate changes in photosynthetic apparatus of intrathalline alga. After 7 d exposition, amount of UV-B absorbing compounds was evaluated in U. antarctica. Heavy UV-B stress let to an increase in chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics (OJIPs), however, majority of parameters related to functioning of PS II remained unchanged indicating high resistance of U. antarctica to UV-B stress. Potential (F V /F M ) and actual (Ф PSII ) yields of PS II were not affected by the UV-B treatment as well. In majority of cases, heavy UV-B treatment led to a decrease in the amount of UV-B absorbing compounds extracted from treated thalli.