Metal networks are formed during the lithiation of metal fluorides. Previous reports indicate that these networks are bi-continuous with the possibility to support electronic transport, though no quantitative analysis has been performed. In this study, thin films of FeF 2 and BiF 3 were chemically lithiated using n-butyllithium to form these metal networks. Direct current (DC) polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were utilized to find electronic conductivity and results were compared to their pure metals. Results indicate films to have higher than expected conductivity value which indicates that these metal networks support electronic transport during lithiation. © The Author(s) 2014. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License (CC BY-NC-ND,, which permits non-commercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is not changed in any way and is properly cited. For permission for commercial reuse, please email: [DOI: 10.1149/2.0621501jes] All rights reserved. Lithium-ion batteries are the ubiquitous energy storage device for portable electronics. Historically, there has been a continuous quest for higher energy density chemistries in order to reduce the weight or volume in new innovative devices. Lithium conversion compounds are one of the promising alternatives for battery positive electrodes.1 The advantage is their ability to accommodate more than one lithium/electron per transition metal to achieve higher capacities than traditional intercalation compounds. Transition metal fluoride conversion materials have been a research focus because their highly ionic bonds allow reduction potentials approximately 1 V higher than the chalcogenides.2-5 As such, high capacity, low cost metal fluorides such as FeF 2 , FeF 3 and CuF 2 are of interest. FeF 2 has been extensively investigated as a potential electrode material due to its potential low cost and rutile structure which is common among the first row metal fluorides.6-8 The latter aspect makes it an excellent model material for fundamental studies. FeF 2 exhibits a single three phase reaction, FeF 2 + 2Li + + 2e − → Fe + 2 LiF, exhibiting a theoretical capacity of 571 mAh/g. During lithiation, most conversion materials of fluoride and dichacodenide chemistries form a bi-continuous network of nano metal and lithium salt (i.e. LiF, Li 2 O, etc.). This has been shown in a number of high resolution transmission electron microscopy studies and supported in part by molecular dynamic modeling.9,10 Although such networks visually appear to be electronic percolating (Figure 1) and may be the pathway for electron transport to the reaction front, there has been no data to suggest what order of magnitude the conductivity of this percolated network is. The goal of the effort presented herein is to establish quantitatively the electronic c...