Magnesium-matrix composites reinforced with graphene nanosheets (Mg-Gr) were fabricated using a combination of powder metallurgy and hot rolling. The effects of the graphene-nanosheet content on the microstructures and density of the composites were investigated. It was found that the graphene nanosheets were gradually dispersed in the magnesium matrix with an increasing ball-milling time and a uniform dispersion was achieved after 72 h for the composite with a graphene content of 1.0 % of mass fraction. In addition, no obvious agglomeration of graphene was observed in the as-sintered and as-rolled composites with the graphene contents of up to 1.0 % of mass fraction. A coordinated deformation of multilayer graphene nanosheets occurs with a deformation of the surface grains during the rolling, which may cause a significant reduction in the number of layers of the graphene nanosheets. When increasing the graphene content, the density of the Mg-Gr composites shows an increase. Keywords: magnesium-matrix composites, graphene nanosheets, powder metallurgy Kompoziti s kovinsko osnovo, ki so bili oja~ani z grafitnimi nanoplastmi (Mg-Gr), so izdelani s kombinacijo postopkov metalurgije prahov in metodami vro~ega valjanja. Raziskani so bili vpliv vsebnosti grafitnih nanosov na mikrostrukturo in gostoto kompozitov. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se grafenske nanoplasti postopoma razpr{ijo v magnezijevo matriko, s pove~anjem~asa krogli~nega mletja. Pri kompozitu z 1,0 % ute`nih odstotkov vsebnosti grafena so dobili enakomerno disperzijo po 72 h mletja. Pri obeh, sintranih in valjanih kompozitih niso opazili nobene o~itne aglomeracije grafena do vsebnosti 1,0 % ute`nih odstotkov grafena. Med valjanjem je isto~asno z deformacijo povr{inskih zrnpotekala usklajena deformacija grafesnkih nanoplasti, kar lahko povzro~i znatno zmanj{anje {tevila grafenskih nanoplasti. Z zvi{evanjem vsebnosti grafena se je pove~evala gostota Mg-Gr kompozitov. Klju~ne besede: kovinski kompoziti, oja~ani z grafenom; grafitne nanoplasti, metalurgija prahov