Background: The date of transplanting which is related to the climatic condition is one of the major factor affecting the growth and yield of black rice. Weeds also pose serious threat to rice in SRI condition if not controlled during critical period of weed competition. Therefore, efficient integrated weed management practices are required in SRI. The experiment was carried out to assess the effect of date of transplanting and integrated weed management on black rice. Methods: The experiment was conducted in the experimental farm of SASRD, NU, Medziphema campus during kharif season of 2019 and 2020. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three dates of transplanting in the main plots and five integrated weed management treatments in the sub-plots with 15 treatment combinations and three replications. Result: Minimum weed population and dry weight were recorded with transplanting black rice on 15th June. It also gave significantly highest growth attributes and yield of black rice. Among the integrated weed management, Pretilachlor 0.75 kg/ha t 3 DAT fb handweeding at 40 DAT recorded significantly lowest weed population and dry weight and highest plant height, number of green leaves plant-1, dry matter accumulation and yield of black rice.