“…It is probably the most frequently investigated Atlantic coral species. Aspects investigated include growth and form (Dustan 1975, Hudson 1981a, b, Graus & MacIntyre 1982, Goenaga 1988, carbon budgets (Porter 1985), eutrophication (Tomascik & Sander 1987), regeneration (Bak et al 1977, Lester & Bak 1985, survival and mortality (Bak & Engel 1979, Bak & Luckhurst 1980, Hughes & Jackson 1980, morphometrics (Foster 1977(Foster , 1979, genetics (Ohlhorst 1979, Knowlton et al 1992), interspecific interactions (Lang 1973, Bak et al 1982, reproduction (Szmant-Froelich 1985, Szmant 1986, sediment rejection (Szmant-Froelich et al 1981, Dodge 1982, Parker et al 1984, black band disease (RamosFlores 1983), and bleaching (Hayes & Bush 1990, Szmant & Gassman 1990, Meesters & Bak 1993. Barnes (1973) previously reported several growth forms of M. annulans, but until recently (Tomascik 1990, Knowlton et al 1992) most studies neglected to describe the morphotype studied.…”